Steph Gorton

Last Updated: February 2, 2024By

What motivated your decision to pursue this profession?

Embarking on my initial side venture, fortune smiled upon me with the presence of a seasoned entrepreneur and partner (now my husband) who offered guidance and encouragement daily. Having someone in my corner, steadfast in belief even during moments of self-doubt, proved invaluable. Witnessing the success of that first business, I recognized the scarcity of such support for many individuals. It ignited a desire to be that supportive figure for others—an empathetic sounding board and a dedicated cheerleader. Moreover, my journey bestowed upon me remarkable experiences that I was eager to share, especially with women seeking expedited results in their entrepreneurial ventures.

What challenges did you face while collaborating with or coaching clients, and how did you navigate through them?

Encouraging clients to take decisive action has been a significant hurdle. Despite having numerous effective strategies for client success, the key lies in their implementation. In the last two years, considerable effort has gone into developing a program that ensures our clients are held accountable for taking action. Recognizing that results stem from action, this initiative aims to foster a culture of proactive implementation among our clients.

In your opinion, what essential characteristics should business coaches possess?

Honesty stands out as a crucial trait for business coaches, acknowledging the often tough but necessary truths that need to be communicated. While delivering confronting realities may be challenging, the preference is to provide honest feedback early on, preventing the investment of years in unproductive endeavors.

Self-awareness is another vital trait, emphasizing the coach’s responsibility to recognize their own patterns, flaws, and areas of expertise. This awareness aids in offering optimal assistance to clients while avoiding the inadvertent projection of personal beliefs, doubts, or limitations onto them.

Compassion is deemed essential, recognizing the intense pressure entrepreneurs face, which may lead them to hit rock bottom. Effective coaching involves meeting clients at their emotional states, fostering a human connection beyond strategic problem-solving.

Curiosity plays a key role, encouraging coaches to question the how, who, and why behind clients’ business decisions. This inquisitive approach helps uncover the true drivers behind their actions, enabling the creation of tailored action plans that align with their deepest desires, fears, and motivations.

In the business coaching, how would you define success?

I think “success” is personal and means something different to everyone. But success for me personally as a business coach would be impacting the lives of 1,000,000 people. I want to be a change maker in this world and help more women quit their day jobs and find profit & passion in growing something from the ground up.

In today’s world, everyone bases their decisions on the “benefit” or feature they would receive from a particular good or service. So, which benefit or aspects of hiring a business coach do you think are the best?

For me when I hire business coaches… It’s the shortcut. When you’re developing the skills to run your own business, there’s a huge element of trial and error in order to learn & optimize the skills. You don’t learn “marketing” overnight. You have to develop the skills. But when you hire a business coach who has been there done that, they will give you the plug & play strategies so you can skip the trial and error. The benefit & payoff of these shortcuts can be huge. One of my own business coaches helped me go from $10k months to a Million-dollar business in 12 months.

If a client is not taking the necessary actions to achieve their goals, how would you help them in getting back to the right path?

Find out why they’re not taking the steps. What’s stopping them. What’s the obstacle. Is it time? Is it fear? Is it lack of motivation or overwhelm? Once I know what’s actually holding them back I’ll be able to help them create a plan to get moving again… small steps add up to huge momentum over time, so we always start small.

How would you characterize your coaching approach?

Direct, No-Fluff. Of course I’m compassionate, caring & kind… but I will not lie to you and tell you it’s going to be easy. But I will help you make it easier with proven tools & strategies. I’m a cheerleader though, no matter if you’re winning or in your darkest hours. I am there, rooting for you.

Could you share a specific instance from your experience that illustrates the effectiveness and efficiency a business coach can bring to a business?

One of my own business coaches gave me that strategies that helped my business go from $10k months to $100k months. I’ve helped hundreds of female business owners quit their day jobs & scale their businesses to 6-figures. Having someone give you a roadmap to your own success is invaluable.

In your view, which of your achievements or accolades holds particular significance among the others?

I’ve won a few awards, been mentioned in numerous publications including Forbes, but the award that meant the most to me was the ones my clients got me last year.

“Best Business Coach” – as voted by my clients.
It meant the world that they got together & organized this award. To be able to have an impact in these women’s lives and help them achieve goals beyond their wildest dreams… that’s what success looks like to me.
It was an honour.

Who played the most pivotal role as a strongest supporter in your successful career journey, believing in you and providing motivation to achieve current role and position?

My source of unwavering support has been my husband, Tim. As partners in three businesses, he has consistently been my pillar, urging me to strive for improvement and maintaining belief in me during moments of self-doubt. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have him as my steadfast companion.

What valuable thoughts would you like to share on to the next generation of coaches?

Allocate time and resources each week to invest in your personal and professional growth. Resist the temptation to become complacent, as the belief that you know everything is a misconception. Recognize that continuous learning is essential, as there is always more knowledge to acquire. Embrace this commitment because your clients deserve a leader who is avidly pursuing new insights and consistently delivering fresh value.

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