Sophia Felix

Last Updated: February 3, 2024By

Sophia Felix, Co-Founder and President of International Cannabis Consulting Business Women’s Association (ICBWA) –  Influential Profile in Cannabis Industry

Sophia Felix emerges as a beacon of inspiration and a vital force. As the Co-founder and President of the International Cannabis Consulting Business Women’s Association (ICBWA), she stands as a testament to resilience and vision amid turbulent times. Her journey, marked by unwavering determination, has sculpted her into a formidable presence within the industry. With a profound commitment to fostering a sanctuary of safety and encouragement for women, Sophia aims to empower individuals to unfold their fullest potential. Her ethos is steeped in the awareness of the societal debt one owes, underscoring the importance of giving back.

Sophia’s philosophy lies in the unwavering commitment to consistency and professionalism. She epitomizes the essence of a powerful and intellectual woman striving to metamorphose the world into a more compassionate dwelling. Each endeavour she undertakes is not merely a task but a prayer and an act of worship. Sophia’s dedicated contributions to fortifying the security, amplifying opportunities, and enhancing the welfare of women paint her as an authentic legend, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of societal progress.

‘EmpowHER’: The Beginning

Great things happen when we trust the magic of new beginnings and take the first step in faith and confidence. Sophia Felix, the Co-founder and President of ICBWA, started her journey in 2014. Her first company HBM Talent & Management, a boutique talent and management agency based in Los Angeles, New York, and Las Vegas, was a great success!

Years later, when the world witnessed great instability and despair, Sophia’s tenacity and perseverance led to the creation of the International Cannabis Consulting Business Women’s Association (ICBWA), of which she was a co-founder. They have members throughout the US and South America. She was able to advance the cannabis community by working really hard and dedicating herself to the mission by becoming the President of the 501(c)3 non-profit organization, ICBWA.

Every woman who has her voice heard is incredibly strong and unbelievably beautiful! Sophia’s mission was to empower women business owners in the cannabis industry by unleashing their true powers and potential as ethical business owners. Along with a great mind, Sophia has a big heart! She also donates her time and services to support charity organizations such as America’s Children of Fallen Heroes and Passion4K.I.D.S!

Source of Empowerment

If we fight with faith, we are twice as armed! When all seems lost, it is unseen but felt and gives hope.

Sophia’s greatest source of empowerment is her faith! She has a strong faith in God, prays about everything, shares her testimony with others, and talks to him about all of her joyful and sorrowful times. She believes in miracles and claims that God has been at her side and looking out for her during the entire process. She believes that everything happens for a good purpose, that God provides for us in the face of hardship, and that everything happens for a reason.

“My greatest strength in my field is my professionalism and ability to get the job done under any condition or circumstance,” adds Sophia. Felix is a very flexible person, works in an environment where things keep changing, and she understands the importance of knowing when and how to pivot, take charge and be a leader!

Determination to Persist

Where there is love and inspiration, nothing goes wrong! Sophia’s family and loved ones never failed to inspire and motivate her to become the best version of herself, as success doesn’t come by coincidence but by choice. Her grandmother Jenny is a “Very Important Person” to her, and she adores her dearly. Sophia was able to develop into a wonderful person with the help of her unending love and support. She took great care in raising her and had a significant influence on her life. After they retired, Sophia’s grandparents continued to care for children in need as foster parents, teaching her the value and joy of selflessness.

“I have had great mentors as well that support me and have been there to guide and prepare me to take on a leadership role,” says Sophia. By this, she refers to Linda and Charles Van Kessler, Marcel Becker, Attorney Kelly Bagla, and Chaplain Tig Heaslet. She states that she is fortunate to have such extraordinary people in her life who always inspire her. Additionally, she draws inspiration from the members of her ICBWA team, including Dennise Mejia, Suzie Ortega, Rebeca Herrera Gonzales, Bernie Rivera, Crystal Wampler, and Adelia Carrillo, as well as from the HBM Talent clients Philip Fusco, Charisma, Shawna B, Marek Lichtenberg, and Brain Heintz. She appreciates them for all of their help and admires them much more for being intelligent, talented, and dedicated people.

Remarkable Achievements

The joy of accomplishment and the rush of creative endeavors are the keys to happiness! Everybody has dreams, but only the tenacity among us can make them come true. Sophia Felix has received numerous awards, including the 2021 Telly Award in the commercial category “Social Impact”, 2021 San Diego Hometown Hero Award, 2020 ABC 10 News Leadership Award, and 2017 California Hero Award. Her work is featured in many entrepreneurial publications, and Honoured in Latina Style Magazine in 2018.

From making a social impact to being a successful businesswoman, a woman of excellence, and a top business leader, she shines brighter than the sun! For many other women, her path is a true source of inspiration!

A mountain of challenges

In the ongoing struggle to shatter the chains of inequality and transcend the ailing grip of patriarchal norms, Sophia has confronted myriad challenges in the nascent phase of her professional journey. Despite the universal call for parity between men and women in compensation for equal efforts, Sophia found herself ensnared in the discriminatory web of unequal pay solely based on her gender. The lamentable reality that her appearance seemed to overshadow her professional acumen added another layer to her tribulations. People, upon encountering her, would casually remark, “We must engage in business with you, not to mention, you’re incredibly charming,” a sentiment that left Sophia disheartened and vehemently opposed to such superficial judgments. Driven by lofty ambitions, she resolved to cultivate a reputation where her name and brands commanded unwavering respect.

The absence of a business attorney at the outset of her illustrious career posed its own set of challenges for this esteemed leader. However, the tide turned when she crossed paths with the accomplished attorney, Kelly Bagla. Under Bagla’s meticulous scrutiny, Sophia’s contracts and legal documentation underwent a thorough overhaul, transforming her business landscape. With the assurance of having the preeminent corporate attorney in her corner, Sophia found newfound confidence in conducting her affairs. Drawing from her wealth of experience, Sophia advocates the indispensable role of adept legal representation in a company, emphasizing that it is an investment that not only saves valuable time but also preserves financial resources in the long run.

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