Kris Poria

Last Updated: February 2, 2024By

The key to success lies in recognizing the positive aspects of your situation, even when faced with challenges – a principle that encapsulates Kris Poria’s remarkable journey to success.

Born into a family of farmers in a remote Indian village, Kris Poria confronted the challenge of adapting to a school where the primary language was unfamiliar. Instead of succumbing to complaints or giving up, Kris took it upon himself to master the English language. Through unwavering determination and hard work, he achieved fluency, showcasing early signs of his resilient character. Today, despite being proficient in English, the concepts of “giving up” and “defeat” remain nonexistent in Kris’s dictionary.

Several years later, at the age of 21, a phase when many focus solely on their careers, Kris was already managing two businesses, pursuing his studies, and navigating the early days of marriage. This period taught him valuable lessons in efficient time and money management.

Driven by a profound interest in software and its myriad possibilities, Kris decided to become a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. This decision led him to leave his homeland and family for the first time, embarking on a journey to work in Europe and America.

This provided Kris with an opportunity to explore the potential beyond India. With valuable experience in hand, Kris identified Australia as the ideal destination to not only raise his family but also to launch new ventures.

Choosing Sydney as his new base, Kris found a city brimming with opportunities. He initiated his media publication, ‘Invest in Australia,’ which quickly gained traction, attracting readers from across the country. While others might have focused solely on the magazine’s success, Kris, driven by his passion for the IT sector, decided to revisit his roots.

During his MBA program at Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Kris collaborated with major IT production companies and system integrators, delving into their operations and identifying potential unmet needs. In the process, he recognized a gap that he could fill – the absence of an intermediary connecting big companies seeking innovative solutions with startups.

This realization marked his Eureka moment. Teaming up with Co-founder Jeff Penrose, Kris launched EarlyBirds, a platform facilitating connections between tech innovators, disruptors, startups, and independent experts. Through this platform, they share expertise and knowledge tailored to each other’s needs, fostering business growth.

In our conversation with Kris Poria, we explored his success mantra and delved into the future prospects for him and EarlyBirds.

What principles and aspirations serve as your guiding lights, both personally and professionally?

Kris firmly believes that as technological capabilities continue to advance, our society is heading towards a comprehensive transition to machine-centric operations. This is a revolution one can either actively engage in or passively observe from the sidelines. Throughout his career, Kris’s overarching objective has been to contribute greater value to society through his business endeavors. Even with EarlyBirds, Kris underscores that his foremost focus is on enhancing existing capabilities and, ultimately, aiding in the improvement of efficiency and capacity.

Share insights into your most significant strength. What sets you apart from others in your field?

It comes as no surprise that Kris highlights his passion for the industry as a key strength. True passion enables one to overcome numerous challenges, and Kris, deeply committed to EarlyBirds’ mission, also points to his capabilities and customer-centric approach as additional strengths.

This emphasis on passion and customer orientation is evident in EarlyBirds’ rapid accrual of goodwill within a short timeframe, establishing itself across four continents and diverse industries. The organization has swiftly become a preferred technical and business solution provider for numerous startups.

However, Kris remains unsatisfied and continually seeks avenues for innovation, ensuring that EarlyBirds remains in a constant state of progress. His unwavering focus on customers and the value they can derive from their association with the organization remains at the forefront of his priorities.

Provide an overview of your organization, detailing your primary roles and responsibilities. Could you guide us through the significant milestones achieved during your journey?

EarlyBirds purpose is to Engage Society in Actionable Innovation. It is an open innovation ecosystem that helps Innovators such as startups, scaleups, and mature companies connect. EarlyBirds aims to exponentially accelerate the capacity, speed, and culture of these organizations by providing business and technical solutions to their challenges.

Kris currently leads the commercial, product, and innovation strategy for EarlyBirds. Since its launch in September of 2019, over 600 organizations have realized what EarlyBirds brings to the table and have registered themselves along with over 100 Subject Matter Expert consultants from Australia alone.

EarlyBirds monitors over 4 million innovators globally to find relevant partners for early adopter organizations. Their work has gained the attention of prominent media outlets globally.

How did you address the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic? What strategies did you implement to overcome these obstacles?

The pandemic was a challenge for us all, we were curious about how this unforeseen event impacted EarlyBirds. Kris is of the belief that the pandemic hit their core strategy as they wished to primarily focus on the private sector in Australia and New Zealand but due to travel restrictions imposed, they were helpless.

Although Kris was based in Canberra and Co-founder Jeff Penrose was also near him, they decided to divert their focus onto public sector customers as they were able to travel in and around Canberra.  During the last two years alone, they have signed multiple public sector clients and have also expanded their team in Sydney to come up with strategies to engage private sector clients throughout the country. They have begun operating virtually and this has led to them being able to work better with clients globally. EarlyBirds now caters to multiple tier-1 private sector clients.

Whom do you find the most inspiring figure in your life?

Kris is motivated by a greater sense of purpose, viewing himself as someone dedicated to serving the stakeholders who have entrusted him with their faith and resources. Additionally, he has cultivated a circle of positive team members who consistently contribute their best, an encouraging and inventive co-founder, and a steadfast support system in his family.

What guidance would you offer to the upcoming generation of aspiring and emerging business professionals?

Kris staunchly believes that business should be conducted with a primary focus on serving society, emphasizing that entrepreneurs must consistently prioritize their customers and stakeholders. According to him, aligning three crucial elements is essential for success:

  1. Identify your passion, the aspect you are willing to dedicate endless hours of work to.
  2. Combine your capabilities strategically to ensure the success of your business.
  3. Innovate and provide solutions to address customer problems effectively.

Given Kris’s substantial achievements, it’s evident that these principles have played a significant role in his success. He and EarlyBirds continue on a path of continual growth, showcasing Kris Poria as a true self-made individual.

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