Jacine Greenwood

Last Updated: June 22, 2024By

Jacine Greenwood: Building a Natural Beauty Empire for Everyone

There are so many beauty products out in the market and for many others there’s not much of a difference, as it comes and goes. Thus it all comes down to thinking creatively about how your product is significantly different to others on the market. Jacine Greenwood is the first in the market to use innovative natural ingredients at Roccoco Botanicals.  Jacine is the founder and CEO at Roccoco that produces natural skin, hair, and body products. She also offers online consultations, analysing everything that could be getting in the way of people getting clear or getting the clear skin of their dreams.

From Military Service to Beauty Entrepreneurship

Jacine is a highly goal-oriented individual, both in her professional endeavors and personal aspirations. With a keen focus on achieving desired outcomes, she navigates the business world with determination and purpose, striving to create impactful results. Outside of the workplace, she’s caring nature shines through as she endeavors to inspire others to pursue their goals and aspirations.

A passionate animal lover, Jacine shares her home with eight pets, most of whom are rescues. Her commitment to the well-being of animals reflects her compassionate nature and dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of those around her.

Jacine’s journey in the workforce began at the young age of 17 when she joined the army, serving in the Signals Corp for three years. Her career trajectory took her through various paths, starting with nursing and transitioning into beauty therapy. It was during this time that she recognized the need to create her own range of beauty products.

Driven by her ambition and thirst for knowledge, Jacine pursued postgraduate courses in cosmetic chemistry, eventually mastering the subject through self-teaching. Seven years ago, she made a pivotal decision to transition into the role of a chemist, leveraging her expertise to formulate innovative cosmetic products.

Through her multifaceted experiences and diverse skill set, Jacine embodies resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether in the boardroom, laboratory, or caring for her beloved pets, she approaches each endeavor with unwavering dedication and a commitment to making a meaningful impact in the world.

Journey of Commitment, Passion, and Innovation

In 2011, Jacine embarked on a mission to revolutionize skincare. Faced with her own struggles with sensitive skin since her teenage years, along with the challenge of managing her children’s eczema, she recognized a gap in the market for effective, gentle skincare solutions. Frustrated by the lack of options available, she took matters into her own hands and decided to create her own line of products.

Driven by a deep-seated commitment to serving others and fueled by her passion for skincare, Jacine launched her company in 2013. Her vision was not merely to build a profitable business but to provide solutions that would alleviate the skincare woes of others, sparing them the frustrations she had endured.

Central to Jacine’s success has been her unwavering dedication to her vision and her willingness to take consistent, daily action. She understood that meaningful progress comes from persistence and resilience, and she refused to procrastinate or delay her efforts. Instead, she embraced each day as an opportunity to move closer to her goals, never losing sight of her purpose.

At the heart of Jacine’s business philosophy are three core values: respect, integrity, and honesty. For her, these principles form the bedrock of all relationships, both personal and professional. Honesty, she believes, is the cornerstone of trust, and trust is essential for building lasting connections with customers and partners alike. Similarly, integrity is non-negotiable, as she believes that consistently delivering on promises and commitments is key to earning respect in the industry.

Jacine’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, passion, and a steadfast commitment to one’s values. By staying true to her vision and embodying her core principles in every aspect of her business, she has not only achieved success but has also made a meaningful impact on the lives of those who benefit from her skincare solutions.

Roccoco’s Approach to Radiant, Healthy Skin

Jacine and her team at Roccoco are dedicated to revolutionizing skincare by offering innovative products and personalized consultations. With a commitment to addressing each client’s unique needs, they empower individuals to achieve healthier, more radiant skin. Roccoco’s pioneering approach to skincare combines cutting-edge ingredients with a deep understanding of skin biology, ensuring effective solutions for a wide range of concerns. From acne-prone skin to sensitivity, Jacine and her team provide the expertise and support needed to help clients feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.

Fostering a Culture of Collaboration and Values

At Roccoco Botanicals, the culture is deeply ingrained in teamwork and mutual support, where no task is deemed too small or insignificant. Collaboration is key, and the team works together harmoniously to accomplish projects and reach goals. Regular team lunches every two months foster connections and strengthen bonds, enhancing the sense of unity and shared purpose. There is a firm belief that every team member has valuable insights and ideas to contribute, driving the growth and success of the company. The principles of honesty, openness, and inclusivity guide communications and interactions, fostering self-confidence and self-esteem among team members.

Adaptability and flexibility are embraced, with leadership leading by example to inspire others to do the same. Values are not just words on a wall; they are the foundation of the culture, reminding everyone to stay true to the principles in all endeavors. When actions don’t align with the values, team members respectfully remind each other to uphold the ethos of the company, ensuring the nurturing of a supportive and empowering environment for all.

Embracing Innovation in Product Development

Innovation forms the heartbeat of the company. Jacine has always aimed beyond creating ordinary products. Amidst the plethora of offerings saturating the market, she perceives a lack of distinctiveness and clear value propositions. To Jacine, innovation signifies more than just novelty; it entails identifying unmet needs, delivering tangible benefits, and presenting solutions that defy convention. With each product, Jacine and her team embark on a journey of creative exploration, seeking innovative avenues to set themselves apart and provide unparalleled value to their customers. For them, innovation isn’t merely a catchphrase—it’s the very essence of their identity and mission.

Nurturing Growth

Jacine recognizes the pivotal role of team dynamics in the success of any endeavor. She firmly believes that no empire can be built by a few individuals alone; it takes a dedicated team working in harmony to achieve greatness.

At Roccoco Botanicals, Jacine’s responsibilities extend beyond mere leadership; she is the visionary driving the company’s growth trajectory and spearheading future product development initiatives. Additionally, she is deeply committed to mentoring her team, providing guidance in both sales strategies and product knowledge to foster their professional growth and development. However, amidst her myriad responsibilities, it is the process of product development and research that truly ignites Jacine’s passion and enthusiasm, bringing her immense joy and fulfillment.

Journey of Learning and Mentorship in Entrepreneurship

“Realise you will make mistakes.  It is okay.  Seek out a mentor to help you make less mistakes.  Many experiences in business I did not know how to handle them, however those who have been in business longer than you do know how to handle them.  It is one of the things I have highly valued.  Having mentorship.” Through her own experiences, she has come to appreciate the invaluable role of mentorship in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.

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