Edmund Situmorang

Last Updated: February 2, 2024By

Company: Asian Bulk Logistics

Designation: Asian Bulk Logistics | Group Chief Technology Officer

In your successful journey as Chief Technology Officer, which factors do you think are most important to your achievements?

Flexibility and Ingenuity are imperative. Remaining flexible allows us to swiftly adjust to the evolving demands of customers, leveraging innovative technologies to stay ahead.

What technological advancements have you not yet experienced into?

Quantum Engine, an emerging and costly technology, is gaining prominence, yet its adoption is currently limited to a select few corporations with the financial capacity to integrate it.

Do you adhere to a personal mantra or guiding principle in your life?

“Success is uncomplicated: Understand, Embrace, and Have Faith in your endeavors.”

Undoubtedly, technology significantly influences nearly every industry. In what ways do you harness technological advancements within your company?

We are revolutionizing traditional logistics by leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

What essential characteristics do you think are imperative for Chief Technology Officers to possess?

  • Visionary Leadership
  • Agility
  • Resource Management

Describe some of the significant technology challenges you faced and elaborate on the strategies you employed to overcome them, ultimately reaching your current position.

Tech Talent shortage has becoming one of my biggest challenge in past few years with the rise of startups everywhere who is offering enticing salaries to move from conventional companies. I’ve been always able to manage this problem because people followed me not only for bigger salaries but as a thought leader in Asia, whose accomplishments has received recognition worldwide, I have grown followers who are not looking for money only but for opportunity to learn and grow, and actually create innovation that matters. I’ve been actively involved in the startups community as well as government activities to create change, and people gets inspired towards the things I’ve built and showcase in seminars and interested to join the band-wagon. By being a thought leader I’ve collected team who join our company because they are eager to create innovation rather than wanting to join because of more money which ends with no loyalty nor accomplishments.

Among the roles and responsibilities of the Chief Technology Officer, which do you consider to be the most pivotal?

Leadership in this age of tech talent shortage has become most crucial.  How we achieve more with less, and collaboration has become very essential in dealing with manpower.  We are not only to inspire people to think outside the box and create innovation, but also to help them realize innovation doesn’t come without perspiration.  Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration quoting Thomas Alpha Edison.  We need to encourage our next generation to work smart and work hard.

What do you anticipate the state of technology will be in five years, and how do you envision our adaptation to it?

With the ever increasing of knowledge and the era of technological advancement that makes technology a must have for every industry, I believe more innovation on artificial intelligence will penetrate many other conventional industries and automation will become a basic need for every company.Metaverse and Quantum Engines are slowly but surely penetrating the market and we will see more development on these two technologies in the near future.

In your perspective, which among your achievements and accolades stands as the most remarkable?

Back in 2012 we were able to create technology that changes how people engage with insurance.  We have received a Indonesian Guinness Book of Record (Muri), for enabling people using OTP activate real time insurance where ever they are, which later on adapted by the Indonesian Financial Authority to be used by all other insurance company to help financial inclusion and make a difference in people’s lives.

In what manner do you stay in touch with the current or latest technological advancements?

Quoting from Steve Jobs: “Stay hungry and stay foolish.” The most important part is to surround myself with the right crowd that can give me insights.  Networking has become the single most important resource of information, because admittedly no one person knows everything, so crowdsourcing of information is becoming essential.

What future endeavors are you planning, and how do you foresee your role evolving in the near term?

While being a thought leader holds significance, the paramount importance lies in witnessing the tangible change I’ve advocated for in Asia. I eagerly anticipate making greater contributions to the progress of Artificial Technology and MetaVerse, establishing a solid foundation to guide the ethical direction of AI and cybersecurity.

For future generations of aspiring tech leaders, what is your most valuable piece of advice?

Rather than viewing technology as the ultimate goal, let’s perceive it as a tool to achieve our objectives. Its purpose is to facilitate an improved quality of life and provide assurance for our future. The realm of artificial intelligence still offers numerous unexplored opportunities. Various facets of life can be enriched through technology. However, it is the combination of agility and an innovative mindset that distinguishes a leader from a follower. Strive to make a meaningful impact, instigate change in the world, and your leadership will be valued and respected by the world.

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